Friday, July 30, 2010

new rocker option - wish list

Here is a new rocker option. It's from Urban Outfitters. Do you think it would be comfy for nursing??? I really like it and so does the hubs. He also likes the price tag which is a score.

what do you think?

Thursday, July 29, 2010

wish list - crib

(Oeuf Crib - Sparrow via Modern Karibou)

My current dream crib. Again, it has a bigger price tag than the budget allows for, but I might try to save up for this one. I love how simple it is and that it's well made.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

darn belly!

This belly is officially getting too big. I just had to go to the washroom -- really bad of course because that's always the case -- and the tie on my shorts got a knot and I couldn't get them undone. The bigger problem is that I couldn't see past my belly to get the knot undone. ACK. If there's a will there's a way. I got them undone and just in the nick of time!

Too much info?

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

six month update

Here's the bella at 6 months! Mark took this in Chicago. Here's what I've learned so far:
  • Don't drink any liquids if you know you won't be near a washroom any time soon

  • Don't drink any liquids if you're going to bed and don't want to wake up 4 times a night

  • People will let you get away with more things when you're pregnant -- they feel sorry for you. For example, I went to a Cubs game and wanted to bring my water bottle in and they said no because it could harm someone if I threw it. I said "Do you think a pregnant person would throw a bottle at someone?" They believed me -- little do they know pregnant people have raging hormones.

  • It sometimes feels like your baby is kicking you in the va-jj. This feeling is evermore present when your bladder is full

  • People will always be smaller or bigger than you no matter when they are due. I just found out a woman in my yoga class is due 3 days before me with TWINS and she's waaay smaller than me. And that's ok.

I think that's all I've learned so far. ;) I'm sure more will come...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


23 weeks + 3 days
Hubster feels the baby kick for the first time.

Sometimes I wish he could feel the little sucker kicking his full bladder like I feel every day.

Friday, July 16, 2010

my pregnancy feet shoes

I got these shoes to help my fat feet. They're starting to swell already and hurt after standing on them for 1 minute. We'll see if these suckers work.