Way before I got pregnant, I made a decision to have a midwife instead of an ob. I'm sure I sound like a typical first-time prego when I say that I really want to try to do this thing without any meds. No epidural. Nada. I'm not trying to be a hero, which is what I hear people saying about people that don't want drugs, it's just that the thought of getting a gigantic needle stuck into my spine freaks me out way more than the thought of the pain caused by childbirth. That being said I am very open to the possibility of such things occurring. We shall see.
I also really like the fact that I know my midwife, or her partner, will be delivering my baby. So many times I hear of women loving their ob only to have someone completely new in the delivery room. Midwives, from what I hear, spend more time with their patients, and make more time to answer questions.
What do you think? Why did you choose one over the other?